Monday, February 21, 2011

Feng Shwhat!?!?

To: Doloris Lachen
From: Mrs. Applebaume

Hi Doloris,

I know it is Monday, and you are tired, and you don't want to know this, but I can not know this alone. 

I was in Mrs. Copperson's room.  Yes, she is hard to like.  Yes, she is hard to listen to for more than a few minutes.  Yes, she is my team leader, so I was there for P/T conference fun. 

Copper and I were talking-shop just inside her classroom door.  I was looking at her decor.  It has the usual stuff.

  • Up With People posters...Garfield and Snoopy are both present and pithy.
  • Her Diplomas. 
  • The state mandated postings of 
    • Professional Principals (what we expect to teach...specific state codes included) 
    • Student Goals (that they learn)
    • Professional Goals (that we meet the Professional Principals and Student Goals that they learn what we teach). 
  • The school district's motto "Whatever We Do, We Do Together"...which some have shortened to 'Whatever'.
  • and Personal Interest clippings.
The personal interest clippings and photos are what caught my eye.  Right above the pencil sharpener I saw an old magazine photo simply stapled to the faded construction paper on her bulletin board.  The photo's colors and shapes were all flesh tones.  

My brain tried to work out the particulars...big finger...five small"Hey, what is that?" I blurted out.

"Oh that," Copper replied "that is an picture of a baby reaching up during a c-section.  The sweet child is reaching up and grasping the doctor's finger.  It is a real discussion opener.  I can't talk politics, but I can plant seeds."

By this point I was having a complete fetal-photo freak out.  All I could come up with was "Hmmm, interesting..." and then I wandered down to my classroom.  

This is what I need to know from you, my professional leader....why, Why, WHY?!?!?!

To: Mrs. Applebaume
From:Doloris Lachen

Ugh...How many times do I have to tell you, do not talk to strange-ers!  


  1. That crazy Copperson! I bet she's Mormon, and they're to blame for everything!

  2. Dear Curt, poor judgement is non-denominational.
