Monday, February 21, 2011

The WORST meeting....ever!

To: Principal Shields
From: Mrs. Applebaume

Hello Millie,

Ronnie E. and his father arrived on time but a day late. We quickly convened, and the group asked me to share our team notes..

It was 8:30 a.m. and the father was drunk.

Each of us spoke about Ronnie's failing grades and behavioral problems. The father was angry when he heard that his son had made a small weapon out of a spring. He had been looking for that spring for a couple weeks.

When our reports were done, the father began to chastise his son's lack of focus. He used an extended metaphor of school work being like a pet dog. How care, cleaning, food and water are required for it not to die. This went on until he seemed to only be speaking of animal upkeep.

He then began to berate his son loudly. Denny regained the father's attention by calling out his name until he noticed. Denny then thanked him for showing support of his son's education. We all reaffirmed what a good heart Ronnie has.

I hope his heart is strong.  He will need to be completely self-reliant.

To: Denny (Choir teacher)
From: Mrs. Applebaume

I just want you to know that you are my hero.

I am a good enough judge of character to know that I could not stop Ronnie's father. He would not have heard anything a woman had to say to him.

I sat there, realizing that I was about to vomit down the front of my shirt. The hostility was so thick in the air.

There were other men in the room. Ones with more clout. You were the one who regained the dad's attention. You are my hero.

To: Mrs. Applebaume
From: Denny

Thanks for the hero status. That was crazy.

Maybe next time we should start by asking for the parent's e-mail address at the beginning of the meeting. If it is like his, maddogfreak@****com, we could just forfeit.

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